Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Day 2, Answer: Kendra Hayes
Day 2, Answer: Jorgina Kelly
Day 2, Answer: Sherrae' Lee
Day 2, Answer: Jamahl Jackson
Day 2, Answer: Antonio Hill
Day 2, Answer: Samuel Johnson
Day 2 Answer Dacia Hill

In my neighborhood there aren’t groups to express your feelings. We tend to be introverts and stand strong or even against our own culture. I am a free sprit compared to the people in my community. When I am stressed out from sadness I tend to sing songs that express my emotions. My favorite artist is Tracy Chapman. She embodies every emotion I have. I pretend as if she’s singing to me, asking me questions and helping me move pass my sadness. Sometimes I sing the song with her. I sing to her that is my communication. Although she cannot hear me it always helps. Singing is the second half of my life. When I sing my stress ceases to exist. I am (as Katrina says) at peace with myself because the sound is beautiful. Everyone around me listens to it and they are happy. They are proud. It is who I aspire to be every day. When I am speaking I am “Dacia”, when I am Singing am the “songbird” Never afraid to fly. When I feel frustrated with myself I write poetry. Sometimes they are self evaluations and sometimes they are list’ of questions with no answers. I believe life has the answers and I have to experience it to obtain them. I am never free, I just am. Everything I do connects to my culture because each day I meet someone who is afraid to feel free and I am one of them. To scared to be myself. Always to sacred to show them how to fly.
Day 2 Answer/ Kiarah Lazo

I believe that I am a unique individual; an individual that is nowhere near perfection. Throughout my life I have been through many struggles which made it seem as so I wouldn’t make it far in life. I had both positive and negative people around me who somewhat molded me. They molded me to the person I am today. I myself was brought up in confusion, not knowing where to go most of the time. The things I’ve heard and seen have me think twice about every single thing in life. When I was younger, I didn’t know what the future held for me. Life was fine and dandy back then, no worries about anything. Why is it that as we grow older, our minds expect the unexpected? I am brown; I am a Latina. I would define myself as art; I am the brush to the paint. Anything that deals with art easies my soul, my mind, and heart; Art is my life. Art was brought in my life as a early age. Where I grew up my community was art, Pilsen is the heart of Chicago. Everyone around me encouraged me to continue what I was doing with art. I knew art was going to take me to bigger and better places but who would have known I would be where I’m at today. Art introduced me to photography which is what I want to pursue in life. And it also introduced me to other sorts of topics such as politics. If it wasn’t for art, I wouldn’t be who I am. I wouldn’t have made it this far.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Day 2 Answer Christopher Johnson

tationa: answer to question
Day 2 Answer-Arianna King

Aaron's Question response Day 2 (Sean MacKenna)
i believe im a very easy going person. i don't like to worry about little things. my motto has always been live fast skate faster. being always constricted by time schedules, due dates, and train schedules just isn't fun. i really like to skateboard because it gives me a way to express myself. a lot of people don't understand why people skateboard but it goes the same way with any sport. golf for example...why would you wanna sit outside all day and hit a ball with a club and try to get it into a hole?? when you do get the ball in the hole you feel accomplished. when you skateboard its the same thing. why would people jump down stairs and grind down rails? the feeling you get when you finally land a trick you have been trying for so long or you get a good line at a park and everyone claps when you get it is the same feeling of accomplishment. its all what you choose to do. i like skateboarding because its a on your own sport. i don't have to rely on someone else and its self motivation to do it. no one tells me that they cant skate because im not there or we have to wait on someone to go skate a park because it all comes down to you and what you want to do. it comes with its own lifestyle which has rubbed off on me hardcore. i say dude, man, lame, and gnarly. a lot of people judge skateboarders because most of us have long hair and tight pants. but its freedom of expression and that's why i like it. i could care less if someone doesn't like my pants or my hair. i think it is most influential to me because it showed me that there are a lot of different walks of life but skateboarding brings people together. i have friends that have a lot of problems at home and in life and ones that don't have a care in the world but when skateboarding none of it matters and when we all go skate you cant even tell the difference.

Day 2, (really long) Answer (to my question): Aaron
Through my '93 freshman and 95' junior years, I attended Herbert Hoover High School. Needless to say, my being a die hard anti-racist punk kid with pink hair, baggy clothes, and a skateboard didn't wash well with most students and staff alike. Fights were a weekly occurrence, and I was suspended and nearly expelled for myriad shit more times than are worth remembering, though now I am. Those years were rough on my family, no doubt.
Day 2, Question: Katrina