Wednesday, August 11, 2010

response to tony

This is a difficult situation because either way you will end up doing something wrong. But if you prioritize, you can pretty much narrow it down to your family being your top priority rather than the law. I would try my best to refrain from breaking the law. It obviously depends on the severity of the situation, but I would try my best to help out my family without breaking any laws. For example, I would first try to get a loan from a distant relative or a close friend who I can later pay back in return of cash or some other prized possession. I would also sell all of my band equipment to help out my family financially. If I was unable to help my family out who desperately depended on me, I would probably go as far as taking a valuable item and selling it and later repaying them for what I took if it came down to something as serious as my family losing their home. If the situation wasn’t as serious as losing their home then I’m sure my family wouldn’t want me breaking the law to begin with. Therefore I would openly wait until I received the opportunity to get them the money legally. It’s always difficult answering these types of questions because no matter what, you always end up doing something wrong. So the key factor for this argument is prioritizing. I have confidence that I would never end up in a situation where I had to help my family or abide by the law. I would willingly sell all of my most prized possessions in order to help out someone I love before committing a crime because I would never be able to help my family out financially due to unemployment.

news report

"Research demonstrates that children in adult jails and lockups are five times as likely to be sexually assaulted, twice as likely to be beaten by staff, 50 percent more likely to be attacked with a weapon and eight times as likely to commit suicide as children confined in juvenile facilities. In addition, the research shows that transferring children from juvenile court to adult court does not decrease recidivism, and in fact actually increases crime."

this article that i found relates to the book because Kevin keeps getting in trouble and everyone keeps saying that he is going to the real jail. not just staying in the box at the juvenile detention center. Kevin already is suicidal, so i dont think him going to real jail would help his life. if anything it would end it.

Queens of Islam

yeah there are many men who act worse than animals. even in the "Civilized" america a women is raped after a couple of seconds. There are these type of people everywhere. Islam has given a way to muslim women to protect themselves by not exposing them openly

Day 7 Response to Tony Jackson- Arianna King

Lord No! I would not do anything illegal to help anyone. Not even my own child (saying if I had one). I was brought up with many sayings. One that has always stood out to me was, “things happen for a reason.” When you come to a point in your life and you do not know what to do and you feel you cannot find a way out, doing something illegal does not help any situation. It only makes it worse and you will be in a deeper hole than what you are in now. You are right; two wrongs do not make a right. If you try to take the negative and turn it into a positive you will feel better. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to get back to where you need to be. When you do get to that point where you are without hope you just have to pray on it. I have been put in many situations where I just had to drop down to my knees and ask the Lord for mercy. If you don’t believe in God then you just have to have the luck that stands within yourself. In the Book Persepolis a man named Mohsen Shakiba a family friend was put in jail. “Mohsen Shakiba, Born: November 22, 1947 In Racht, Profession: Revolutionary, Crime: Revolutionary, Date of imprisonment: April 1971, Released: March 1779, Political Conviction: Communist (47)”. He not only fought for the rights for his family he fought for the rights of his country. This shows the opposite of how I feel. His crime of Revolutionary is considered to be illegal in his country. So on all aspects on life people do what their morals tell them to do.

Tony Jackson Oil on Sale Now!

There is so much of a conflict over oil because there is not an endless supply and it’s only available in certain places and the places that they are in are underdeveloped. It’s kind of ironic that the people of the countries suffer so must with hunger and disease but are literally sitting on a gold mine. The conflict is who will pay the highest where would we get it and how would they get. “Shot five gang members two people innocent people and a dog” Patrick (pg.110) They fight over the oil and kill each other and thousands of innocent bi standers because they want cheap oil. The main conflict over oil is simply greed. They don’t think about the consequences that come with it. They just want the fast why out as long as there is such a high demand for the oil things won’t change. Like the boys in the book as long as the respect is in high demand they there will be a fight over it. Nobody is excluded from the fire. Big or small.

Day 7 response to Tony (Tationa)

I couldn’t break the law to help a friend or family member. I’m not the kind of person to steal a car just to help family. Family may be important to me, but I don’t think that I would go that far. If I was in Fransico’s situation, I would try to do something else like ask a family member for help. Because if you can’t rely on one person there is always another person to help you. I feel that that is what families are for. When your down or you tend to have problems with someone you can always ask your family for advice. Another thing I would do is if I had money of my own, I would probably give my mother all that I have because besides me wasting money on nothing. I can give my money to someone who needs it more than me. That’s what most of the inmates missed out. They broke the law for someone and now that they are in jail, they don’t have a shoulder to cry on for help. Like the festival when Mark played the cello for his performance. The song gave the inmates a feeling that they haven’t had since they been in jail. “ I realized then that it was the invocation of motherhood, not my playing, that had moved the inmates so deeply” (124).The inmates wanted the feeling that they would be ok and that they are on their side no matter what. My mother is like my best friend. When it comes to motherly nature, we all need that person to pull us through our problems.

Day 7, Answer to Tony: Kiarah Lazo

I never really thought about doing jail time for a family member or friend. Maybe because I’ve never been put in that situation, but I know people who have. That’s a really tough decision to make, having to decide if you want to risk your own life for someone else’s. The only person I think I would do that for would have to be my mother. This woman brought me into this world and took care of me on her own. It also depends on what that person did. If my mother were to do something absolutely ridiculous, I wouldn’t take the risk to go to jail for her, that’s just non sense. But if she was desperately in need of help, I would be there to do whatever it is to get her back on track. There have been people who steal cars or even maybe food, clothes, vehicles etc. I guess when you’re so caught up in the situation you don’t even think about the consequences. By being a risk taker, you’d do about anything no matter what. Why do you think we have a lot of thieves in the world? Some are selfish and steal just to make profit. Others steal, because they have nothing. They might be homeless or like this situation steal for a loved one. I’m not saying stealing is a good thing to do but in the case of helping someone out, I'd make the exception.

Day 7 OIL

To me the oil in the middle east is the cause of all wars. Like bush saying we were going over there to find sadam Husain, but I believe it was the oil that he was after. Bush used 9/11 just to start a war but the real reason was to get oil.oil is a very hot camotoity and who ever has it is king finaically.

Day 7 Answer to Tony Jackson(Jorgina Kelly)

I would break the law and serve time for someone I truly care for but it depends on who the person is and what the crime is. I would do things for my mother, sisters, brothers and some of my cousins. Committing murder is absolutely out of the question but I feel people can’t answer hypothetical questions about murder because no one knows what they will do until they are put in that position. Mainly people with quick reflexes, a hot head or a scary person are usually the ones that take action first then at the end question themselves wit question like “What just happened?” “What did I do?” So I believe it depends on the time at matter. I’m not about to just say, “Oh that’s my friend so I have to steal for her or do this for her.” If my mother did something wrong and I’m with her at the time and she say ok tell the police officer this and that happen, then I would lie for her knowing that that is obstruction of justice. My mother, if not nobody else, is the one person that I would risk some jail time for. Just like Francisco in the novel True Notebooks by Mark Salzman he did something for his mother when he took somebody else's car to fix his mother's. "Half an hour later we returned with a brand-new car. We stripped it. Then we put my mom's car together and it looked like new. So when my dad got home he didn't even notice, so we lived happily ever after."(P. 136) Also if she is in a position where she is in the process of being murdered then you bet to believe that I’m about to commit some type of murder because I don’t know what I would do without her. I never in my life want to see the inside of a prison and know that I got 75 years to life because I killed somebody. If there is something I can do to prevent that then that’s exactly what I will do.

Day 7 Response to Tony {{Sherrae'}}

I cant even count on my hands how many times I've "covered" for someone. I haven't necessarily broken the law but I've lied to get or keep someone out of trouble. I've done it for friends and family numerous times. No I'm saying that lying for anyone is right but I'm just saying I've done it numerous times. Now the question was asked if I would I break the law and risk serving jail time in order to help a dear friend or family member in need of help. NO, I wouldn't risk serving jail time to help someone. Now that's just way over the top. I feel like people shouldn't put themselves in those type of situations. If stay away from people who bring harm or trouble to you then, I think you should dismiss them out your life.

In the novel True Notebooks, Franciso states in his writing, "So she was lucky. Cause if my dad would have been there, he probably would of killed her."(pg. 135) Now I know Fransico's dad probably would have been angry about the car being wrecked, but if you love your family, your main concern should be their health and not the car. You can always get another car or get it fixed but I'm pretty sure you can go in McDonadls and order another Fransico Mom.

Response # 7

I will do anything for any of my close family members as long as its not dealing with killing anybody. That's just a little beyond my limits since i am helping you or covering up for you. Far as breaking the law has my mind still pondering. Friends i would have to think long and hard on that . There can be times when you be so kind and risk important things for your friends. but when your in trouble sometimes when you look behind you they wont have your back. when i was in 8th grade our teachers told us toward the end of the school year we cant get in no trouble if so we wont be able to graduate. My friend stayed in trouble every single day, it seems to me as trouble was her middle name. Every where she went trouble found her . It was the end of the school year and we were taking our last test for out math class. For some odd reason my friends wants to cheat and have her study guide under her test. she made it very obvious that she was cheating because of her flipping her test back in forth. My teacher finally came over to our table and took my friend test and told her she had a F. Out the kindest of my heart with out thinking i took the blame for it and told our teacher it was my study guide. To me when i look into my teacher eyes it look as if she didn't believe me. i didn't get in that much trouble as i expected though. On pg 136 Francisco told his mother " i am going to help you so my dad won't woop your ass. I felt the same way about my friend i took the blame for her actions so she will be able to graduate.

Day 7 responce Dacia Hill

Breaking the law for someone else is something I don’t believe I could ever do. My family members are very nice people but besides my mom, I can’t think of anyone related to me that I would consider risking my record for. Their lives are very important but if it’s not going the way they would like then it’s their fault. Somewhere along the lines of growing up they missed their steps success. To get out of poverty you have to really want it. You have to de driven and you have to reach for it. Sitting around waiting for someone to save you is useless and it’s a risks. In Persepolis towards the end of the wine chapter Marjanes Family is stopped and accused of drinking. The 16 year old cop wants to back to their house to search them. So once they get home her dad says, “Grandma and marji to pour the wine down the toilet” (109) while he stalls the man. Before the leave they have to make excuses to actually let them upstairs. Their grandmother states that she is use to doing things like with her late husband. By having this wine the father has put the lives of his family in danger. Everyone could have been killed. Although they get everything cleaned up before the father arrives, He found out that if he paid the guy he would have let him go. Marjane even says it was a miracle they were spared. I can’t risk everything because someone else’s life is behind

Family First- Sam Johnson

I was always brought up on a very known saying, "Family First". So if one of my family members was to get into altercation for an example, I would have to help no matter the consequence. But if the situation was really dumb, I would try to stop the whole thing. Like if my cousin pushed someone just for fun, no I wouldn't involve myself because first I have a career and I'm wouldn't risk it over something stupid. Secondly people don't always react the way we think they going to react. What if the guy my cousin pushed had a gun? I would have ran up and the bullet would have missed my cousin and hit me. Now my life would have been gone for something so idiotic. Now on the hand if someone would have been picking on my anyone in my family, then I would start off talking to the other individual and try to resolve the matter( well now I would) and after that if it goes further then I would have to take it to a different level. What ever the outcome would be, at the end of the day I know that the purpose of it was for a good reason (even though I might end up in jail).

Response to Tony- Antonio

Breaking the law is a great risk to take. you have to worry about getting caught, witnesses staring you down as you commit a crime, exactly what time to do I. these are a lot of things you have to consider when you are committing a crime, especially the ones that could get you hard time in prison. It requires a lot of thought. However, in some scenario’s, committing a crime might not seem so wrong. Just like in the book when Francisco stole a car for his mother. In that case, I would have to disagree with what he did. No, he shouldn't have stolen that car for his mother. He says his father would have beaten his mother if he saw the car; well Francisco could have prevented the beating in other ways. he could have took the car to the shop, the mother could have confessed while Francisco stood by her to make sure that his father kept his hands off of his mother. He could have thought differently instead of his first thought being to steal another car that somebody else probably worked hard to get. His mother shouldn't have even allowed him to go out and steal a car. From that angle, it looks like she's egging him on to stay in his gangster ways. I wouldn't have done it. Things happen; his father should have been a bigger man and just accepted the fact that the car was crashed. He could have gotten it fixed. Some people just don't take a second thought, they follow their first mind.

Day 7 Response to Tony -Chris

I would have to say i would do anything to save my mother or grandmother and that includes serving jail time. I felt as though Francisco was put into a tough situation because no young boy wants to see his mother get beat on. I can relate to this situation because there have been times where my friends and family have been in trouble and I was the only one that could help and I had to make a sacrifice. When I was ten years old my cousin had got really heavy into drugs and ended being arrested and place on probation. I was very naive to the drug world when I was young so I had no idea the severity of his addiction. As it turns out one of the agreements for his parole was that he had to be tested for drugs every Wednesday and if he tested positive he would be arrested. Early one morning when I was getting ready to go to school he came to my house looking sad and pitiful and I asked what was wrong. He then explained to me his situation about drug testing and then told me that he was gonna go to jail. Of course I felt bad and I asked him was there anyway he wouldn't go to jail and then he asked me to urinate in a pill bottle for him so he could turn in a clean sample. I realized what I did was wrong but I was only ten and i didn't want to see my cousin locked up. It took me a very long time to admit to my mother what I'd done. Fortunately he ended up getting himself clean and now he has a job and an apartment so if I had to do it all over again I would because I don't know where he would be without my help. I would like to think me breaking the law and taking that test for him gave him more time he needed to get himself straight.

Answer To Tony Jackson-Jamahl Jackson Day 7

Two wrongs dont make a right but if a friend of mine is in trouble and he needed me to do something for him i would and then again i wouldnt.It depends on the size of the crime.If i was suppse to like rob a bank for money, i would do it but only if it was worth it.Take for example if he needed the money for college tuition money for his daughter or take for example if he needed a new heart for his wife or he needed to pay his mortgage.All these things I would be okay with.But if he wanted to buy drug sor some kind of illegal things i would respectfully dismiss myself from his presence.

But then again if he needed for me to lie for him so he wont go to jail, so he could keep his daughter and give her a good home I would.It really depend on the circumstances.

Like in the movie "set it off" they all were stealing the money because they needed to.They were taking for the things that they had lost.Now this to me would be a good reason to steal something.I would only steal something that was worth stealint too.It would have to be a good payout.I wouldnt just steal then didnt have enough to put something away for myself as well.i would take it then just dispear.....But consequences come with diffrent reactions so if i stole something or helped my friend i would make sure that it was worth the risk.

Day 7 Arielle Lloyd Question

In the book Persepolis the Dad said. in any case, as long as there is oil in the middle east we will Never have peace. Page(43) .what do you think there is so much conflict with the ownership of oil

Day 7 question (Sean MacKenna)

Depending on the situation, person, and what they needed, yes i would. there are some people i would do anything for. my close friends and family fall into that category. Even though its still illegal i know that if i needed a favor like that my friends would jump at it to help me out. the way we hang and talk its all about each other. the bond that we have between our little "click" is so strong. we all smoke cigarettes and when someone doesn't have any we all bum each other as many as we want (even though there expensive) because we know that person will always come back and get us in a time we need some. that's a small way to show it but we have each other no matter what. My friend Mike Tee i know hands down he would do anything to help me out and i would do the same for him in a heartbeat. he has been one of my best friends for almost four years now and we have stuck through a lot together and have always been down to help each other out. Hes a smaller kid then me but he has always been the one friend that no matter what it is he is down to help me out, even in fights with kids twice his size. unfortunately he comes from a very poor family and he recently got into a lot of trouble. he has a lot of court fees to pay and they don't have the money. if he came to me and asked me to help him get money by stealing,robbing, or selling something i would say i was down even before he finished talking. although i know its illegal, sometimes the wrong thing is right in a sense. i'm not sure how to describe it but that's the way i think of it. when the people you love the most need your help you try to do everything possible for them. for me, i would do anything to help them fix there problem illegal or not and knowing they would do the same for me makes me even more for helping them get what they need. in True Notebooks Mark asks how many letters they get and how many of there friends come visit from there gangs. everyone answered back none and no one. if i got locked up for helping out my friends, i could guarantee they would be there everyday and when they couldnt they would write me letters. so i guess were down for life.

response to Chris

As raised as a catholic, I was raised to believe in God. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I find that when I found myself in a dark place I could always revert to praying to God. I feel that it is best to have faith in God because you will become a better, more caring person. I found prayers to have actually worked it is very hard to explain the situations that I have been through without including the presence of God. In my earlier years of high school I started doubting his existence, which lead to things worsening. My friend had a huge impact on the way I perceived God. This kid used to be the most troublesome kid who always got himself into mischief until he noticed that he needed to make a change so he went all out and devoted his whole life to God. I deeply admire this friend and I appreciate all of his help especially when I was going through some rough phases in my life. After he greatly impacted the way I viewed God/religion, my life started drastically changing for the better.

Tony Jackson Question Day 7

In the chapter “Played” Francisco wrote the story of how he stole a car and stripped it for parts to help his mother when he got into an accident and wanted to keep it from his dad. They say that two wrongs don’t make a right but that’s not always the case so it brings up the question, would you break the law and risk serving jail time in order to help a dear friend or family member in need why or why not.