This is a difficult situation because either way you will end up doing something wrong. But if you prioritize, you can pretty much narrow it down to your family being your top priority rather than the law. I would try my best to refrain from breaking the law. It obviously depends on the severity of the situation, but I would try my best to help out my family without breaking any laws. For example, I would first try to get a loan from a distant relative or a close friend who I can later pay back in return of cash or some other prized possession. I would also sell all of my band equipment to help out my family financially. If I was unable to help my family out who desperately depended on me, I would probably go as far as taking a valuable item and selling it and later repaying them for what I took if it came down to something as serious as my family losing their home. If the situation wasn’t as serious as losing their home then I’m sure my family wouldn’t want me breaking the law to begin with. Therefore I would openly wait until I received the opportunity to get them the money legally. It’s always difficult answering these types of questions because no matter what, you always end up doing something wrong. So the key factor for this argument is prioritizing. I have confidence that I would never end up in a situation where I had to help my family or abide by the law. I would willingly sell all of my most prized possessions in order to help out someone I love before committing a crime because I would never be able to help my family out financially due to unemployment.