Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Bridge program
Attending Columbia College’s Bridge program really helped prepare myself for what I have yet to face in the future. I have a few worries but there’s nothing I am particularly fretting over. I am just anxious to start the actual school year. I know classes will be difficult, and there will be lots of homework, but I am ready and willing to face these challenges to my full potential. If I try in all of my classes I am positive I will pass my classes. I am also in a relationship at the moment and I have been getting sidetracked with figuring out what my girlfriend and I are going to do. There isn’t much more that I’m worried about, other than passing all of my classes and making the right friends. Something I am excited about is starting a band. I am anxiously waiting for new students to arrive to see if I can find a group of dedicated/hard working musicians that are willing to make a band. I have been waiting years and years for this moment and I am going to give it my all. I love everything about this school and Chicago in general, and I hope I stay in this city, because I truly believe this place is for me. The bridge program was a great transition and I couldn’t have asked for better teachers than Aaron and Katrina.
Day 14 bridge(taiona jones)
I wouldn’t change anything about the bridge program to be honest. I found this program simple. My only problem was my mathematics class, but everything was ok. All I needed to do was to give effort in both math and English class and that was my only problem. I really liked the lectures because you really get know about certain classes. The lectures also appealed to the students and how we can go from high school level work to college level work. This program has really helped me a lot especially in my writing. I wasn’t so sure about my writing because I thought it didn’t sound right or probably didn’t make any sense in my opinion. Having my English professor go over my essay really helped me become a better writer. The teacher sorted out my mistakes and now I feel more confident in my work.
One thing I would change is to eliminate the museum visits. The lectures were interesting however the museum visits are boring. I would want to go somewhere interesting. Maybe walk around the school and know about the departments and how to get there. I know that you should learn this on your own but since we are new students, we should know more about Columbia and what Columbia has to offer. I feel that lectures weren’t good enough to know about the school. I feel that it’s pointless to go to a museum and just do work about that one art piece like the first museum visit to the art museum. I feel that it doesn’t benefit us. It was nice being in this school just to get a taste of what Columbia looks like but I feel that maybe just change the field trip activity.
One thing I would change is to eliminate the museum visits. The lectures were interesting however the museum visits are boring. I would want to go somewhere interesting. Maybe walk around the school and know about the departments and how to get there. I know that you should learn this on your own but since we are new students, we should know more about Columbia and what Columbia has to offer. I feel that lectures weren’t good enough to know about the school. I feel that it’s pointless to go to a museum and just do work about that one art piece like the first museum visit to the art museum. I feel that it doesn’t benefit us. It was nice being in this school just to get a taste of what Columbia looks like but I feel that maybe just change the field trip activity.
day 14 Responce Aug 24
I really liked the bridge program as a whole. I think the writing assignment should be a bit harder to push people starting on the first week. If it starts hard then it gives people a better understanding of what we should expect when school begins. I think the blogs were a great idea but i feel like i was writing for no one to see. I put my all in them and only who saw.I really like the conference's it was good to talk one on one. I likes the workshops the gave me a level of confidence. It was good to share and show every one what i could do. I think the partner workshop was nice to do also because i felt relaxed with the student. Over all you tow are a great pair!
Day 14 Feedback {{Sherrae'}}
One thing I like about the Bridge Program was the writing. Even though it was a lot of writing, I was pushed to the best of my ability. It gave me a chance not only to grow as a writer, but as a college ready to student. It also gave me a way to express myself through writing. Also I liked using juxtapositions in my paper. This was something new for me and I was glad I learned it. Compare and Contrasting is hard for me to do when it comes to writes papers, and using the book help a lot.
I didn't really dislike anything, because to me this was an experience. I was a little irritated with going to the museums a seeing art that i didn't at all see as art. In my opinion, some of the art was pointless, but to the artist it could have had a deeper meaning than what I actually saw it as.
I didn't really dislike anything, because to me this was an experience. I was a little irritated with going to the museums a seeing art that i didn't at all see as art. In my opinion, some of the art was pointless, but to the artist it could have had a deeper meaning than what I actually saw it as.
Day 14 Response: Kiarah Lazo

These past four weeks have truly been a great experience. Before I came to the bridge program I was scared and felt unprepared to start something new. Once I stepped foot in the building of Columbia, I felt home. I have to admit I wasn’t do so well in the beginning because I wasn’t used to writing papers everyday or actually doing all my math problems. The only thing I would change is the time frame. I would have loved if this program ran until 5 o’clock in the afternoon. I learned so much that I wish I had more time and enjoy this experience even more.
The one thing I loved and wouldn’t change is the people here at Columbia. I’ve dealt with really cool people back in Pilsen in high school but the people here are a different story. These students are unique in many ways. I’ve never been around such a large crowd who love art the way I do. I actually met an interesting person who loves photography and is majoring in it just like myself. It’s great to met people with the same interest and it is also great to meet new people to learn new things. Columbia is the place for me.
I have to say that the Bridge Program was a very positive experience for me overall. I really enjoyed the class and everyone for the most part was very welcoming and friendly. I made quite a few friends during this experience. The one thing I can say I did take from this experience is Columbia is not your ordinary school. Actually when I first walked into English I couldnt believe some man with like 1000 tattoos was our teacher. The whole time I was in high school my teachers stressed that tattoos weren't professional however you contradicted that statement because I've gotten more out of this class than I've gotten out of any English class that I ever took in high school. In some respects you showed me it was okay to be different and show individuality. This also showed me at Columbia anything can happen.
The only thing I would actually change about the program is making the post lecture discussions shorter. There were many days I didnt want to be bothered and just wanted to go home and enjoy the rest of my day. Sometimes I felt the lectures weren't important enough to actually have an intelligent discussion about especially the one about Zombies because we all know zombies arent real. I'm actually glad I was given the opportunity to be apart of the Bridge Program because it gave me a more in depth look at what college is all about. The last thing I would change is the times I would make it a little later in the day because I am not a morning person LOL.
The only thing I would actually change about the program is making the post lecture discussions shorter. There were many days I didnt want to be bothered and just wanted to go home and enjoy the rest of my day. Sometimes I felt the lectures weren't important enough to actually have an intelligent discussion about especially the one about Zombies because we all know zombies arent real. I'm actually glad I was given the opportunity to be apart of the Bridge Program because it gave me a more in depth look at what college is all about. The last thing I would change is the times I would make it a little later in the day because I am not a morning person LOL.
Feedback 8-24-2010- Sam Johnson
A couple of things that I would keep from the bridge program is the fact that students get to network with one another and students get a head start on college before all of the other incoming students. Networking was the biggest part of the bridge program for a lot of students. Being in class all day gets tiring and for the students to have a good amount of time meeting each other and hanging out at lunch made this program go way more smoothly. Another fact about the program that was great was, the students getting a head start on college before a lot of the incoming students. By Columbia being a big college that holds over 20 campuses, we learned to get around a lot better. So when school starts, we would already know the ins and outs.
Some things I would change about the program are the times 9am to 3pm, museum visits, and lectures. I don't think students should be here from 9am to 3pm because there's only two classes. The last class really ends at 12pm. everything after that is pretty much a waste of time. The museum visits was a waste because it had nothing to do with the purpose of me being at the bridge program. The lectures and post lectures, some of them were pointless to the students. If we sit in a lecture and after a couple of days have nothing to say or remember about the lectures, it's irrelevant. The post lectures shouldn't be there at all, I mean it's find to discuss on different topics, but at the same time it have nothing to do with anything. It seems as all these extra things were just threw into the program. I would rather come in the program and work on what ever the college feels I had a weakness on in highschool and learn what I need to.
Some things I would change about the program are the times 9am to 3pm, museum visits, and lectures. I don't think students should be here from 9am to 3pm because there's only two classes. The last class really ends at 12pm. everything after that is pretty much a waste of time. The museum visits was a waste because it had nothing to do with the purpose of me being at the bridge program. The lectures and post lectures, some of them were pointless to the students. If we sit in a lecture and after a couple of days have nothing to say or remember about the lectures, it's irrelevant. The post lectures shouldn't be there at all, I mean it's find to discuss on different topics, but at the same time it have nothing to do with anything. It seems as all these extra things were just threw into the program. I would rather come in the program and work on what ever the college feels I had a weakness on in highschool and learn what I need to.
day 14 response
the one part of the bridge program i enjoyed was writing the papers. being able to write and express ourselves and our opinions. my high school was very straight to the point. they told us what to write about and how to format it and even how to print it...weird i know. college though sounds like its going to be really exciting because its based around me (I'm not all about myself) but being able to talk and write about the things i want to is a really big thing to me. i didn't like writing papers in school about a famous role model who had to be off a list and when i got here Aaron basically said just write. whatever comes to your mind. i like that kind of freedom. the workshops were very beneficial to me because it wasn't people just down talking my paper. i got positive feed back which made me feel good seeing as though i was never showed kindness about my work in any of my English classes.
i only had a minor problem with the lectures. some of them had me taking notes, asking questions, and really getting into it while others i thought to myself "you really just gave a lecture on how to ask a question?" (i just asked a question haha) the zombie lecture and the one about marketing were my two favorites. i think that i connected to them because marketing is one of the fields i want to look into and zombies just rock. overall though i guess i enjoyed the lectures because even though some put me to sleep i still was able to get information out of them that can help me in the future. for real though...if i ever hear that dinosaur song again.. i felt like i was watching barney
Antonio- Feedback
What's good about the Bridge Program? Well, the teachers were very nice and outgoing but at the same time they were serious about the students doing their work. Class conduct and participation played a big role in whether the student was going to pass/fail the program. I feel bad for the people that didn't quite make it through however I'm proud that me and the people I became friends with did. Now all we have to do is keep the same attitude throughout the semester and we'll do fine.
The bad things about the bridge program were minimal. There are not a lot of things wrong with it, nothing major. I hate the fact that they changed my housing location from the Dwight's to the Plymouth Ct, building. I heard the Dwight's were the newest buildings and they were very, very nice looking on the inside. That's about it; some of the lectures weren't too good either.
Bridge !
One thing i like about the bridge program, i learn some new materials some things a already knew about. but i liked when we wrote are papers you gave your thoughts about it the strong points and the weak points. even if we didn't have a a check plus you still pushed me on letting me know i can do better. I feel the bridge program can help you in different ways. i wasn't really sure if i was going to like the bridge especially when i heard we was going to have home work every night. The homework turned out to work out for my good, it helped me build up my writing skills. i felt the bridge program was a great experience to me, and it helped me get a head start of what college would be like.
I really don't much to say about the bridge i disagreed with, next year i think every person that should be a little bit more interesting with their lecture. i know every lecture you hear will not be the most exciting thing ever.
I really don't much to say about the bridge i disagreed with, next year i think every person that should be a little bit more interesting with their lecture. i know every lecture you hear will not be the most exciting thing ever.
Crossing the Bridge Tony Jackson

The bridge was a great experience for me. It really helped me see what college life is like. It showed me that it’s not as easy as it seems but not as hard as I thought either. The bridge gave me a leg up on the campus and what buildings do I go to. I also gave me the opportunity to meet some interesting people. I liked that the English instructors are more like friends than teachers instead of sugar coating everything they give you the straight truth about everything that you’re doing. They actually help you become a writer. The bridge is a great program and I’m glad that I did it.
One thing that I would change is one of the math instructors. He has his days when things are very clear and I know what to do but other times he seemed just as confused about the math as the class was. He would second guess his answers all the time and it made me uneasy about some subjects of learning. He in a great teacher other than that when he knows the material well I don’t have a problem and I get it but when he’s iffy on it I’m confused. So he should get to know the material more that’s the only thing I would change about it.
Bridge Prgram-Jamahl Jackson

I believe that the bridge program is the way to go!I think that every student should go through the program so that when the time comes for a student to go to class and be by his or her self they will know what to go expect while attending Columbia.I think that while the bridge is challenging to many that it is for the better.
As a studenti believe that the teachers are a inportant in the way that a student learns.I think that aaron and kartrina did a good job.I espicailly liked the discussions and salons that we had in class.I really appreciate how when we talk about a topic the whole class listened and understood what was going on.We always talked about a topic that was liked by most in the class.
I liked how Aaron asked us questions and used material rhetoric like the joker with the barack Obama Face to get his point accross.Then i like how Katrina used pictures and world event like The crises in Darfur to make a connection to the books that we were reading in class.
As a studenti believe that the teachers are a inportant in the way that a student learns.I think that aaron and kartrina did a good job.I espicailly liked the discussions and salons that we had in class.I really appreciate how when we talk about a topic the whole class listened and understood what was going on.We always talked about a topic that was liked by most in the class.
I liked how Aaron asked us questions and used material rhetoric like the joker with the barack Obama Face to get his point accross.Then i like how Katrina used pictures and world event like The crises in Darfur to make a connection to the books that we were reading in class.
Day 14-Resonse to Evaluation/ Arianna King

There were many things that I loved about bridge. The main thing is the connections with the teachers and the students. The type of teachers I love is the ones that will help you threw the process. You may think I like teachers that will hold my hand and walk me threw. NO! I like teachers that will show me the path to “take” then let me walk on my own. I felt Aaron showed me the path and pushed me down it and made sure I understood what I needed to do when I got to the end. Katrina is the type of teacher that will be the one making sure I stayed on my path. With the two of them as my English teacher made my success of the Bridge Program possible.
I really cannot find a bad thing about the English program or even the whole Bridge Program. The only thing I would change about anything is lectures. I think seeing that as college students we can chose our classes and everything else. I feel maybe it should be a choice of what lecture to go to. Then you should get a better Post Lecture and more conversational tone to the Post Lecture. I would change nothing to any of the classes dealing with the English program. AT ALL!
Thank You!
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