Have you heard of the SB1070 Law? The SB1070 Law (Senate Bill) is racial profiling against the Latinos and Latinas by law enforcement. This law was going to be passed on July 29, 2010 in Arizona, but it was blocked. You may ask why was it blocked, well it was blocked because of the many people going against this law and demanding Obama to impeach the law. We Latinos and Latinas needed to stand up for our people but yet it wasn’t just us, there were many races going against this law. When you see a Hispanic person walking down the street, what do you think of them? Most people see us just as people who do not know English, thieves, gang bangers, etc. There are some people who think very negative of us, but they are wrong. Truthfully, there are few Hispanics who don’t deserve to be here in the United States. Then again there are those who have families and jobs and pay taxes, these people definitely deserve to stay here in the United States and become a citizen. The quote from Persepolis on page 76,”She should start learning to defend her rights as a woman right now!” makes me think of a Hispanic woman saying that quote but instead of woman it would say Latina. This also reminds me of this young boy who was separated from his mother due to her being deported. Just two weeks ago I myself and hundreds of other Hispanics including Saul, we went to Washington D.C. to march in front of the white house. Saul and five other kids whose parents were deported got to speak to Nancy Pelosi and tell her their stories. That right there is him starting off young and learning how to defend his rights as a Latino. When I meet new people in my very own community and tell them about this law, some of them go against me and try to bring me down in a way of me not knowing what I’m talking about. Therefore I stand tall and debate with this person that this law is not right, it is racial profiling people right off the street. I once told a man who went against me, what if a family member of yours left one morning to go to school or work and never came back because they were stopped by the police and was taken away, deported back to their country. This man stood quiet, and told me I was doing a good thing. This man made me realize that once your voice is heard it changes things.