As many families that were born and raised in a certain place they may seem to be comfortable and not want to leave. “Our country has always known war and Martyrs so, like my father said: ‘When a big wave comes, lower your head and let it pass’! (94)” This shows that they were not going to leave no matter what. The mother and the father seem to feel the same way. Marjane was watching her friends leave for the United States and did not understand why. For example in my life: My grandmother has the money to live in a better place. The house she is in now she has been in for 40 years. She feels comfortable and is somewhat ignorant to what is going on around her. As a citizen of the United States I feel that I don’t have a choice but, to stay and fight for the country I believe in. I feel that fighting for my country is my right and should be taken very serious. If you are living in a certain place and were decelerated as a citizen then you chose to live the way the country is run. If you get to a certain age where you feel that your country is under a tyrant rule then you should leave. You have the ultimate choice in your life. Marjane choice soon was to leave at an older age. She will soon see a different lifestyle in another place as a teenager. Which then had me ask myself should she have stayed and fought with her country for what she use to believe in?
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