There was a time in my life where I felt as so I lost both my parents due to stupidity. Three years ago I wasn’t myself. I was acting a fool and being the complete opposite of who I was...who I am. The person I am, I sit back and observe my surroundings. If there’s something I don’t agree with or know what not to do, I don’t do it. But three years ago, I wasn’t that person. I was the girl who tried being one of the cool kids and not listening to my parents. I was failing some of my classes horribly and gained a few friends who I don’t normally hang out with. The friends that I would tend to hang out with would point out all the things they didn’t like about me and for some reason I agreed with them. One friend in particular disliked my parents only because they disliked her also. The things she would say about them were so cruel and out of line but I pushed that to the side and became a failure in both parents’ eyes. That year I lost my sweet sixteen, truck, phone, shoes, iPod, school credits but most importantly I lost love, trust, happiness, and sadly…my parents. They didn’t want to put up with me, I went from house to house since my parents aren’t together, and it was a hassle. I lived with my father for three and a half months; I swear it felt like I lived there for years. My father and I don’t get along. I can’t say I hate the man but I sure do dislike his mind with a passion. Those couple of months I felt invisible. If I were to walk straight at my dad he’d probably go right through me as if I were a cloud of smoke polluting his air. My mother didn’t speak to me, only when she had to. It was the worst time of my life…never again will I put my parents though the pain. And I shall not feel invisible again.