Tuesday, August 17, 2010

No Homos Allowed

I remember I used to go to a dare care when I was four years old. I didn’t really want to go because I was a mommy’s boy and never wanted to leave her side so when I got there I cried, sat by myself and didn’t talk to anyone. That’s when a boy the same age as me came over and asked if I wanted to play race cars with him. I didn’t want to but he bugged me until I did because we were the only ones there at the time. Hi told me his name was Dion and he became my best friend from that moment on.
Flash forward 13 years and we were still the closed friends anyone had ever met. Dion and I were always together he was the funniest person, smart, caring, all the things you could ask for in a best friend. He was always there when I needed advice or somebody to just talk to. It was hard when he moved to Minnesota because always having someone next door or 30 minutes away was easy but having your best friend up and move to a different state was hard.
Unless you really knew Dion you wouldn’t have known that he was gay. When he moved to Minnesota the guys that he talked to there had no idea and he was on the football team with them so he formed that bound with that the plays have with one another. I don’t know exactly how they found out but it wasn’t good. They were at a party and I guess that’s when it came out and the team was made. They jumped him and he was beat so badly that he didn’t make it. My best friend died because of his sexual preference.
I was so upset and angry for the longest time and it hurt me the way he had to be taken away like that. You hear about these things happening but you never think it would affect or happen to you. I never thought that would happen. I stared to question my faith the same way Jimmy did in true notebooks when his brother was given a time limit on how much longer he had to live in his essay, “Why does he allow certain things to come into our lives and make us doubt his existences” pg 82.
I miss my friend but I’m not sad anymore because I still have the memory and his still with me every step of the way.

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