Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Day 3 Answer Tony Jackson
Past to the future

I agree 100 % with you cant change the past even if you tried to change it. If i could go back in the past to make a better choice for my future, i would do my freshman year of high school over. My freshman year was my worst year with my grades. I never took anything seriously like completing class work or homework assignments or even trying to stay focus. That was the worst decision i ever made because now that i am about to start a new level in college it reflects on my GPA and grades. I had to go back and try to remember little simple things i should already know. From my lack of not paying attention in class and asking questions my grades went totally down . It wasn't that easy for me to bring a low GPA up by the end of the school year nor my failing grades. I progressed over the next 3 years and i learn from my mistakes. I also learn how important it is to do right and when you have the change to do it. I am sure in the book true notebook they think all the time about mistakes they made, and if they could they would go back to do things differently. To some people its not all ways easy for you to do the right thing at that moment. but everything we go through is not always going to be easy, we may never get the easy way out. I learn through out life you will have to go through some things and make mistakes. It will only help you in the end and make you stronger .
Do it right the first time!

One thing I would change about my past would be my saving habits. In my previous days I didn’t think about saving money for any reason. Every time I would receive an income of any sort, I would go shopping and hang out with friends. In today’s society money is pretty much everything to everyone. We as Americans need money to do just about everything. I went some days without it and I was limited to certain things. If I would have saved from my freshman year of high school (when I start really getting income) up to now, going into my freshman year of college, I probably would have paid my first year of college off! Just to think of the things I would have been able to do today, kind of make me feel bad, like for instance I could have had a new drum set, fixed my truck up a long time ago versus waiting up to this year, took care of my books for college, and could have help out my parents a couple times. Not saving back then has forced me to work harder today and has put me behind schedule. Now that I know better I go by this saying that my dad always tell me, “you do it right the first time, you have to go be a second time”. That statement has a lot of meaning in it and it can be used for any situation. Life would be a lot easier and simpler if we as people do it right in the beginning.
Day 3 post

If I could change anything in the past, I would go back and try a lot harder in school. The effect of me doing this would result in having a better relationship with my parents and an overall better education. In the past, I would often skip school. This caused many dilemmas especially throughout my first 3 years of high school. It wouldn't make that much of a difference now that I have made up for my mistakes during my senior year, but it would have saved a lot of stress if I put more effort into my school work. Thankfully I can look ahead without dwelling on the past. Living for the moment is a key factor that will strongly affect the future. If you think really far ahead, there is more of a chance that you will put things off, or in other words procrastinate. Procrastination was a big issue for me because I would miss assignments and they would keep piling up which is really overwhelming. I’m glad I overcame most of my bad habits and my plan is to stay positive and plan ahead for my future.
Day 3 {PAST.PRESENT.FUTURE} (Sherrae')

I totally agree with you Sean, the decisions that have been made in the past does reflect on our present or future. And in the book I do believe that the juvenile delinquents do wish they would've made a better decisions. But if I could change one thing in my past if would have to be taking my education much more seriously. I know I've said this hundredths of times, but now that I have to come to the Bridge Program everyday for four weeks, its really starting to hit me. Don't get me wrong I'm enjoying the experience and learning new things. But the reality is that I'm here because I didn't take my education serious. I feel like if I knew the things that I know now back in my freshman year I would be focusing on preparing for college and finding out what loans I need to take out, instead of worrying that if I don't turn in a paper or complete a math assignment that my chances of enrolling into Columbia being very slim. I wish I would've been focusing more on my assignments than my appearance and what people thought about me. I wish I would've taken the time to studying instead of making plans to hang out. I think my main issue was that I didn't have my priorities in order from most important to least important. I think that's where most people fail in life. Because having your priorities together makes a big difference on your future. It all comes back to good decision making.
Day 3, Answer to Sean: Kiarah Lazo

When I look back at my life and the things that happened, I look at it as, it happened for a reason. Most people go by the quote, “Everything happens for a reason.” And truthfully, I am one of those people. Then again, there are times where I wish I would have done something different or made different choices. If I were to go back in the past to change just one thing, it would have to be my lack of concentration. I am an easily distracted person; anything that gets in my way I stop what I’m doing and focus on whatever it is that through me off track. Ever since I was little I had a hard time concentrating in class. I wasn’t a bad kid who would always get F’s but I was one of those kids who didn’t try hard enough. My parents would always encourage me to go far and beyond with my education but I never listened and I learned the hard way. Every time I would fail in a subject, I would tell myself I will do better next time. When next time came around, I let myself down because I didn’t go through with what I said. I told my mother in the beginning of every year that I would do better than the year before. I failed to do so, and I let her and myself down. Once I got to high school, I was on track. I did well in about every single class and I thought I finally realized what a fool I was back then, but I was wrong. My second year in high school was about the worst year of my life. That year I felt as so my parents gave up on me and I was all on my own. When report card pick-up came along, I would see the disgust in my mother’s face. That’s when I knew I needed to get it together. I was sick and tired of being a failure, I had to do something to change my ways. That year was a wakeup call for me and my future. So as I said, things happen for reason but sometimes we don’t pay attention to the things we do and yes it would be absolutely amazing if we could change our past.
day 3, Answer to sean (tationa jones)

I don’t have nothing to change about my past. Sometimes I do regret not doing my work or not responding to things when it came to school work. In high school for instance, there have been some days when I didn’t want to do anything. I was just a lazy and half the time when I had to do something I just didn’t want to do it. I do remember during my junior year I had to do a research paper. The book I read was Dracula and with some assignments like taking quotes from the book and transferring it onto index cards I became lazy and careless and found any kind of quote. The maximum pages for the research paper were 10 and I did 8. Most of my classmates spent half the night doing the essay and with me I did not want to spend my whole night doing an essay. In the end my grade was decent but I still feel I could have done better. Now that I’m a step forward in college I plan on not being so lazy and just doing what I have to do to pass the class. I always made dumb excuses to not do my work and now it’s either do the work or not do nothing at all. Even though I am still a tad bit lazy, I try to push myself further into my work even though I don’t feel like doing it.
Day 3:Answer to Sean Mckenna (Jorgina Kelly)

In high school I always wanted to have friends and do what I wanted to do. I regret that I wanted to do that because I skipped classes, disobeyed the teachers and always was in detention or suspended. That landed me nowhere but failing and not graduating on time, which is why this is my first year at Columbia College. It has affected my life now because I could be somewhere closer to my career but I decided in high school that I wanted to be me and try to fit in with the in crowd by doing what they did as a group. I regret hanging with the people I thought I was "friends" with because peer pressure can consume someone's mind then most would think it can. As my senior year came around then that is when I realized that I did not have friends, I had associates. I came to the realization that I was born in this world by myself so nobody has to look out for me, inspire, motivate or encourage me, that is something that I had to install in myself and that's exactly what I did. Back then school was not as mandatory to me as it is now that I have learned that most good jobs and careers requires good education. I do not want to just rely on my talent but also my knowledge and what I can bring forward to the table. That's why I'm starting my knowledge and career with Columbia College.
Day 3 Answer To Sean Mckenna-Jamahl Jackson
I often feel obligated to do whats right but that doesnt mean that everyone else is and that only because of the way i was raised..
If i could go back into the pits of time i would. I would have made sure that my parents wouldnt have gotten into that car.I would have stopped them to the best of my ability!I wouldnt let them leave me in this world alone desolate and confused.
I also would change the the way I behaved through highschool.I would have studied more and spent more time in the books so that i could make it easier for myself to get into college.But I later learned that making decesions is just a part in life that confuses us all.But in order to make sure the decesions dont get in our way we tend to "just let Go".So I would just let go of these problem and solutions and try not to let my world

Day 2 Answer Christopher Johnson
There are a number of things in my life that I wish I could go back and change, but I don't have a time machine. For the most part I've lead a pretty happy life. I have some of the best friends a boy could wish for, a loving sometimes irritating mom, and a very loving family. I don't usually take heed to advice people give me because I sometimes feel my way is the best way. A lot of times I tend to fall on my ass and then realize what someone was telling me was right. Most of the things that I normally ignore is usually something small but the one person I wish I had listened to was my high school guidance counselor. She stressed the importance of having good grades and a good ACT score to ensure being accepted to my college of choice. Well as usual I decided I was going to do things my way. Well obviously my way didn't work because I let my grades take a dramatic decline in my junior year and I also chose not to take the ACT seriously which is one decision I will regret for the rest of my life. A lot of unfortunate things happened to me junior that I allow affect me therefore it resulted in me not taking school seriously. If I focused more on my grades and my ACT I would have been accepted into Columbia right away and not be in the Bridge Program to prove that I am able to do college level work. I think the Bridge Program is a very positive thing that helps my outlook on college but I'd much rather be at home sleeping right now. Although I wish I would have listened to my counselor and everyone else who told me to take school more seriously I'm not going to dwell in the past. I'm going to make every day here count and take a whole different outlook on my college education. I'm going to leave you all with a piece of advice.... when someone older who has already been where you are going gives you advice take it because nine times out of ten they know what they're talking about.
day 3 response jamals question (sean MacKenna
The one person in my community that has made a difference is Steve Davenport. he runs YEAH! board shop, a local skate shop around my house. he has always been a positive influence to the kids in the community showing that skateboarding is a positive sport and should be more acknowledged. he started the skate shop a few years ago out of his own pocket to help make it more convenient to everyone to get the stuff they need to skate. he has really made an impact by having pro teams come from California to our local skate park and do a demo for all the kids who haven't seen a pro in there life. he also teaches skateboard lessons for younger kids and is always a friendly motivational person. he made a huge impact when he got a hold of someone from red bull and gave them the idea to open a skate park indoor during the winter. people came from all over Illinois to come skate the red bull park and it was a huge success. he is kinda like a mentor to me because he knows what kids that skateboard are going through and has been through it all before. he knows how to control situations and keep a cool head when dealing with cops and getting kicked out. we skate together a lot and he is just a chill dude to hang with. he doesn't bother with who's "homies" and who's not, if you skate then your cool. running the shop day in and day out is a lot of hard work and to pay for it all by yourself is a massive amount of stress and determination. Luckily with alot of kids showing support by buying things the shop made it through its first winter (the slowest time in skateboard sales) without YEAH! and Steve skateboarding around my community probably wouldn't be the same. there would be a lot more kids with chipped or broken boards, more bikers, and no where to hangout.
Day 3- Answer to Past,Present,Future Question. Antonio Hill
Day 3- Answer/Arianna King

I would change my lack in doing school work. Many times in grammar school I would not do any homework. With that I would still pass and not get a wakeup call to what I need to do. So during my process of applying to colleges I had to be bridged into two of my top schools. Having someone actually make me work for my goal is a big deal for me. Because, I have always had someone just do it for me or I could talk my way out of it. So now that I have to prove myself to my teachers, family, and other staff it kind of hurts. To me this is a second chance to do what I have to do. But, to me it is also embarrassing to be in a class during the summer and it was not an option. Many times my grandmother would say I told you it would catch up to you in the long run. She would also say “What you do in the dark will come to the light”. So now I am standing in the middle of the stage trying to make up for lost time and trying to have a good understanding of what I need to do. This will show me what is wrong and what I need to change to become a better person. I think if I would have had to struggle during school before I would have never been put in the position. Also, if I would have listen to my granny I would not be in this position at all. I have learned that nothing is given for free you have to work for it all. So from now on I will do what I have to do to get to where I want to go to be successful.
Day 3 Answer Dacia Hill

There are many times in my life where changing the past came to mind. When i tried to come up with one answer it felt impossible. Would i change the ignorance of my peers and the way the treated me? What about the close mindedness of my family and have the be more accepting of who i am? The answer is none. Everything i went through helped me to become the woman i am today. I know i am a lot less than perfect but i am new to myself. I know things that many people may never understand and this is because of my hardships. No on have to to teach me to accept others no matter the race. Kindness and respect has always been the leaders in my life and i don't remember getting much in return not even from adults but i knew i was right. I've learned and I learn from my mistakes each day. If i thought to change my life I wouldn't be in Columbia college.
Everyone dreams of better life and schools, maybe if i had it I would have been be ready for college faster. Maybe if i had better friends i would have been more confident with myself but they don't control me I do! I am my future and the past is only a beginning to keep you safe for the rest of you life.
Day 3 Question (Sean Mackenna)
Day 3 Question-Jamahl Jackson

Throughout the book the character marajane often wishes she was somebody else that was a positive influnece in the community.....What charcter or public figure do You see yourself as?Why do you feel connected to this person?What draws you in to the figure?Is he or she your Rolemodel?What positive things have they done in their own community?
(page 9 of persepholis)