When I look back at my life and the things that happened, I look at it as, it happened for a reason. Most people go by the quote, “Everything happens for a reason.” And truthfully, I am one of those people. Then again, there are times where I wish I would have done something different or made different choices. If I were to go back in the past to change just one thing, it would have to be my lack of concentration. I am an easily distracted person; anything that gets in my way I stop what I’m doing and focus on whatever it is that through me off track. Ever since I was little I had a hard time concentrating in class. I wasn’t a bad kid who would always get F’s but I was one of those kids who didn’t try hard enough. My parents would always encourage me to go far and beyond with my education but I never listened and I learned the hard way. Every time I would fail in a subject, I would tell myself I will do better next time. When next time came around, I let myself down because I didn’t go through with what I said. I told my mother in the beginning of every year that I would do better than the year before. I failed to do so, and I let her and myself down. Once I got to high school, I was on track. I did well in about every single class and I thought I finally realized what a fool I was back then, but I was wrong. My second year in high school was about the worst year of my life. That year I felt as so my parents gave up on me and I was all on my own. When report card pick-up came along, I would see the disgust in my mother’s face. That’s when I knew I needed to get it together. I was sick and tired of being a failure, I had to do something to change my ways. That year was a wakeup call for me and my future. So as I said, things happen for reason but sometimes we don’t pay attention to the things we do and yes it would be absolutely amazing if we could change our past.
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