I don’t have nothing to change about my past. Sometimes I do regret not doing my work or not responding to things when it came to school work. In high school for instance, there have been some days when I didn’t want to do anything. I was just a lazy and half the time when I had to do something I just didn’t want to do it. I do remember during my junior year I had to do a research paper. The book I read was Dracula and with some assignments like taking quotes from the book and transferring it onto index cards I became lazy and careless and found any kind of quote. The maximum pages for the research paper were 10 and I did 8. Most of my classmates spent half the night doing the essay and with me I did not want to spend my whole night doing an essay. In the end my grade was decent but I still feel I could have done better. Now that I’m a step forward in college I plan on not being so lazy and just doing what I have to do to pass the class. I always made dumb excuses to not do my work and now it’s either do the work or not do nothing at all. Even though I am still a tad bit lazy, I try to push myself further into my work even though I don’t feel like doing it.