I totally agree with you Sean, the decisions that have been made in the past does reflect on our present or future. And in the book I do believe that the juvenile delinquents do wish they would've made a better decisions. But if I could change one thing in my past if would have to be taking my education much more seriously. I know I've said this hundredths of times, but now that I have to come to the Bridge Program everyday for four weeks, its really starting to hit me. Don't get me wrong I'm enjoying the experience and learning new things. But the reality is that I'm here because I didn't take my education serious. I feel like if I knew the things that I know now back in my freshman year I would be focusing on preparing for college and finding out what loans I need to take out, instead of worrying that if I don't turn in a paper or complete a math assignment that my chances of enrolling into Columbia being very slim. I wish I would've been focusing more on my assignments than my appearance and what people thought about me. I wish I would've taken the time to studying instead of making plans to hang out. I think my main issue was that I didn't have my priorities in order from most important to least important. I think that's where most people fail in life. Because having your priorities together makes a big difference on your future. It all comes back to good decision making.
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