Thursday, August 12, 2010
Day 8 Research Dacia Hill
“A little learning is a dangerous thing, but we must take that risk because a little is as much as our biggest heads can hold.”
George Bernard Shaw
I picked this quote because Marjane Is told by her parents she has to learn all she can before the restrictions on the country apply to her education.
Day 8 Reseach/ Arianna King
This is a video of a demonstration after mass killings in Iran. The song is singing about what is going on. If you watch the video you can see the police beating on the women and driving threw big crowds with cars and motorcycles. People were falling and were being hurt. Some people have their face covered because, they are scared to be recognized by anyone. This is a very strong video and will take your emotions.
Tony Jackson Response

I think that it depends on the areas that you’re in or your situation that you’re dealing with that makes you strong. A person that is level headed makes good decisions and thinks things through before acting on it makes them strong. A strong person is someone that people can look up to and aspire to be like. They have a quality that makes them leaders.
In certain areas like rough neighborhoods and in jails the strong people are the ones with all the muscles and the ones that are loud and over powering. They have to be that way like Francisco because its protection. Nobody will mess with you if you’re the one that’s the biggest and the badest. But in neighborhoods where brains beat bronze, the people that are running companies and rising families are the strong ones. On page (152) where sister Janet tries to get the group mixed she was showing that she wanted a change.
It’s important that you think before you act on things because you never know how they may turn out. To me people that act reckless to me and don’t thing for they act are the weak ones because when the consequences come around they don’t know what to do next so it’s important to think before you act.
Response to Tationa

There are different characteristics that can describe a “strong person”. It depends on how you look at it, whether it's physical strength or mental strength. If you are in bad areas and you think of someone strong, most people will immediately think of physical strength. I can’t think of many situations where someone would refer to a smart person as being strong except for if you were in an atmosphere that consisted mostly of smart people. I think why most people think of "strong" as someone that is physically built is because it is a physical feature that you can see, while on the other hand, being strong minded is less commonly related to being strong because it is an internal function that most people don’t see until they engage themselves in an active conversation. I believe that age does matter in certain circumstances, because it is rare for a child to have a mature open mind because their brains are still developing. Also, I feel that as a person ages they have more experience with dealing with problems. As a person ages they learn to think before they act out and they can visualize the outcome which gives them a huge advantage over a kid who hasn’t learned to think like this. I feel strongly about thinking before you speak because there are so many things that can go wrong in a situation where you say things before you speak. I could relate to this when I was younger because I would frequently say things without putting any thought into it which got me into trouble.
Day 8 answer to kendra (tationa)

It was a project where I had to pick somebody that we looked up to and we had to describe how that person looked and what they do in Spanish. Now me being the lazy person that I am, I barely even listen to the teacher and I was so busy thinking about going home, watching Mtv shows and eating that I didn’t care. I just thought that maybe I would do it late at night cause the work was simple. So when I got home I did the usual, watch Mtv shows while doing my homework, watch shows like the Simpsons and talk to my family. Then I went to sleep. The next day, I realized that I forgot about the project and had to do it before I was picked up and sent to school. So I grabbed a piece of my little sister Mikaila’s construction paper, cut out a small picture of Kimora Lee one of my inspirations of fashion from an Essensence magazine and pasted it on the small paper. While I was in school, I tried to think of every work to describe her like her hair was black or how many kids she has. In the end I failed the project. Many people have ignored a important situation but sometimes people have ignored things like family and tend to do things on their own like Patrick when he got arrested. “ I stayed from 11:00 until 8:30 they said they would put me in juvenile hall, but my uncle came and picked me up just in time. I got a long lecture from my cousin, but my mom didn’t care” (144). some people dont care what we do. In the end, when we do stuff that we want to do we tend to get yelled at because we dont think about the situation and how much trouble like stealing and fighting that we can get ourselves into.
13-Year-Old Killer Spared Life Sentence
Day 8 Answer to Kendra(Jorgina Kelly)

My sophomore year in high school, I was skipping class with some friends. It was around the time for finals when the seniors could get out of school early. My friends and I thought that since there were students that were leaving the building anyway, there would not be a security guard notice us leaving. We were right and we left school and went to I-HOP. We was all cramped up and packed down in a Cadillac Deville. The car kept stopping and that lead the school police right to us. The police asked where were we heading and we told them that we were going to eat. They asked our ages and other questions about are we suppose to be in school and questions like that. We all got caught and had an afterschool two hour detention for the rest of the semester. At first I felt like “DAMN WE JUST GOT CAUGHT!” Then I started to feel like ok we not in that much trouble, I was fine. I felt that way because if they did try to get my parents involved then they would have no way of getting in touch with my parents because our house phone number had been change and the school had the old number. So I wasn’t concerned at all. It might not be a responsibility but I feel that in True Notebooks, Nathaniel Hall knew that he was in the enemy’s territory wearing the opposite colors of what they wear. So he knew he was going to run into trouble. “I noticed that each of the three people in the car had on at least some red. I suddenly realized what I had on. A blue sweater with a blue and gray Charlie Brown shirt on top of that. And if that didn’t convince them of where I was from, I also had on blue gloves.”(P.140)
Day 8 Response to Kendra- Arianna King

I work at the radio station called Power 92. Power 92 has a show for teens every Sunday from 7pm to 8pm. My job title is Sr. Music Producer and Co. Music Director. As the Sr. Music producer I have to have all the music cut, “clean” and ready for the show three days in advance. The Truestar office is Located on 1134 s. Wabash. So this means it is downtown. One of my coworkers decided to take a taxi to the Water Tower and shop. So by the time we got to work everyone was looking at us and our boss took us out of the room. She said, “Not only are you late but y’all have the nerves to come in with shopping bags up to haven.” She was very upset and sent us home for the day. On my way home I got into a small accident on the Dan Ryan. If I would have never gone shopping I would have been at work and not in that bumper accident. In the book Persepolis Marjane dad was so into his responsibility to his country that he forgot his family. “Look, I am so sorry darling I’ve been running around the whole day. I’ve got a splitting headache. You know what? I’m just going to fill up the tanks and then we’ll try to find a restaurant (88).” His actions ties to the fact of doing something that is less important, than what is important. He forgot about his own family so in an effort to make the situation a little better he wanted to take them out to eat.
Day 8 Arielle

Yes I suppose school to go shop all the time but dint git in trouble. I abandoned important responsibility in the house. so yes I do avoid my responseabilties I believe every one avoids them at some point .in my case I avoid my. Chore like cleaning the dishes and taking out the trash . My wants me to help her her with the mopping , sweeping and weekly clean all.
day 8 response to kimmi23 (sean Mackenna)
ill be the first one to say it. im a procrastinator. ive always been all my life but lately i seem to have gotten better now that im paying for everything on my own. i once had a job as a photographers assistant for my uncles company. the job was very light on hours (6-9) and i only worked 4 days a week. i thought it was going to be the best job ever seeing as though i want to become a photographer. upon arriving i realized that it was a packaging company. i sat for 3 hours a day in a small room with a bunch of high tech equipment and the only thing i could use it for was to take pictures of envelopes, bubble wrap, paper, and tape. you can probably already tell it was a total drag. so eventually id start making up excuses to why i would have to leave early (paper the next day, lots of homework, picking my little brother up. you name it i used it) so after that went on for a few months i got even more tired of taking pictures of bubble wrap so i decided to continuously call my boss and tell him i couldn't come in today because of something at school. my parents didn't know so i would be able to use there car and go out all day and do what i wanted to do. it was like a dream come true. it was in Aurora which is a good 2hr drive with all the construction so i was free to do whatever i pleased from 4p.m. when i left home till around 11. i knew it was wrong and i probably should have quit instead of wasting everyone's time, but i was young so i totally blew it off and had a few good months before i actually did quit. in True Notebooks the boys struggled with responsibly by fighting and becoming a handful for the guards. this made them miss there writing class which wasted marks time.
Day 8 Dacia Hill

I think intelligence and confidence makes a person strong. If you are smart then people can’t make you feel inferior and can’t contradict your thoughts. You can’t be called stupid because you may know more than them. There’s a saying, knowledge is power I believe that true. For example if I have more knowledge of math then I will move ahead of my class. Knowledge also corresponds with respect. If you’re smart the people respect you. Respect creates an unseen social status.
In places like prison you have to have two types of smarts or just one. If you are strong mentally and physically you again gain a sense of respect form you inmates. In prison you are ranked by how dangerous you how smart or how smart you are. In your neighborhood, usually strength is in numbers. In mine that’s translated into gangs. If you’re smart you able to escape the drama of gang picking. Both situations are dangerous, and they are not safe at all. Marjane wanted to be rebellious and break the rules broke the rules when wearing jewelry and assaulting a teacher (143). She also called another teacher a lie (144). She could have gotten in a lot of trouble the same thing applies. She should have reacted differently. Marjane could have addresses the teacher in a more respectful way. This would have avoided the trouble with her parents. I’ve lied to my mom before and it felt so bad. It was even worst when she found out I lied I was in so much trouble. Today I realized I should have reacted differently and thought about the consequences.
Responsibility- Sam Johnson

There was a time when one of my responsibilities was to pick my sister up from school every day ( I was a freshman in high school and she was in elementary school). On one particular day I had a half day of school and my sister didn't and everybody know when you don't have nothing to do, that's when you most likely going to find trouble. So after school I went to one of my friends house and we was just hanging out until he told me where this guy that I had a problem with worked at. The guy worked directly across the street from my friends’ house and he even knew what time the guy had to be at work. So I used this information and called a couple more of my friends to come meet me after they had gotten out of school. The time was around 3:30 to 3:45pm when my friends had met up with me. For some reason there were about 15 of my people with me and we were just looking for things to do. So we waited around the kid job until we seen him walk up. Now around this time I'm supposed to be picking up my sister from her after school program around 4pm. So my friends and I waited around until we didn't see him. My friend stopped us as we was walking to my sister school, and told us that he see the boy. Immediately I walked up to the boy questioning him and he gave me a response that I didn't like, so I hit him. At that point my cousin and one my best friends ran up and continually started to punch this kid. After his boss broke it up the police had gotten involved and I was arrested and had to go jail and had a court date. All this because I avoided my responsibility and decided to do something that was stupid because I had extra time on my hand. After this occurred I felt bad and embarrassed because this event occurred in broad day light on a busy street and it was directly in front the kid job. I also felt bad for him because he had to go home and tell his parents what happen to him and I know that was embarrassing.
Answer to Totianna- Antonio Hill
What makes a person strong? Physically it’s all about the weight he/she can move but mentally, it’s about how one thinks. Thinking about the consequences before you act makes you strong in my opinion. Anyone can get real buff and muscular but only a hand full of people can be wise about their decisions. It’s not a gift, it’s not inherited, and it’s a blessing. You can’t learn to be wise, only way to gain wisdom is to ask God to grant you some. At least that's what the Bible says. With wisdom comes knowledge, and with knowledge comes mental strength. It doesn't matter what age you are either, you can be from one to one hundred. Back in Detroit, there are a lot of adults that are 40 plus that act like they're still in their teens. There are also some teens that act like their 40 plus so it balances out a little. I think imp mature for my age, I was told on numerous occasions by some people I’ve just met and by some people I already knew before. It’s a compliment, especially when you come from a neighborhood where all the teens around you are still in school and you're the only one that graduated. Mentally fit is what we used to call it back when I was a boy scout. It’s always good to be wise and keeping your mind intact. After all, it is a terrible thing to waste. If you don’t use it you'll lose it. However, some might think otherwise and says being mentally strong is not about thinking before acting. I say it is that's what it's all about.
Response to Kendra (Christopher Johnson)

I've never ditched school because I'm just a good boy ( I'm lying through my teeth I couldn't ditch because my mom worked there). I must say I have abandoned some responsibilities that were very important. There was a time I was supposed to go to my grandma's house to check on her but I really didn't feel like it so I didn't. I went to hang with my friends at the movies because I'm just cool like that (not really). As it turns out my grandmother was okay but she had gone the whole day without taking her medicine and eating. I felt so bad because I felt as though I could have just taken 20 minutes out of my day to make sure my grandmother was alright and then i could have gone out. Ever since that day I've been determined not to every neglect the responsibility of checking on my grandmother. At this point in time I want to cherish every memory that I have with her because now she has Alzheimer's Disease and sometimes forgets things. I make it a point to tell her that I love her everyday and i give her a kiss on the cheek. I sometimes remember the day I neglected to check on her because a lot of my grandmothers passed away and I'm sure all of my friends wish they could kiss there grandma just one last time. So I've made a vow that as long as my grandmother is living she will know how much I love and care about her through my actions because even though she might forget who I am I have some glimmer of hope she might remember the loving and kind things I've done for her. This can relate to the book because Sister Janet really loves and cares about the boys in prison and she is sure to take responsibility for their well being.
Day 8 Response to Kendra {Sherrae'}}

Okay Kendra, so basically you're asking have I ever ditched school, and while I was ditching did I run into trouble. (lol) Yes, plenty of times. There was this one time I ditched school with a friend, and we went to down town to this Spa and we went shopping. It was a really good day it was like April, so the weather was really nice. It wasn't too hot or too cold. I'd gotten my hair done and I was shopping as if I'd had a job. We went out to eat. And I had even had everything figured out. Like if my parents asked when did I get my hair done, I was going to say that I'd gotten it done after school. I was having so much fun until another one of my friends called me and told me that someone was at the school to pick me up for early dismissal. My eyes got so watery, I just started crying because I knew i was in so much trouble. My school was in the suburbs, so i wasn't like we were around the corner. We were pretty far. I cried all the way home.
Like in the book True Notebook, (pg. 139-141) Nathaniel decided to ditch school and he got into some trouble. We both could have avoid getting into if we had done what we were suppose to do from the very start.
Day 8 Question tationa
Day 8
Have you ever abandoned a important responsibility and ran into some trouble ?
If so how did it make you feel and why?. Have anyone in your book abandoned an important responsibility?