My sophomore year in high school, I was skipping class with some friends. It was around the time for finals when the seniors could get out of school early. My friends and I thought that since there were students that were leaving the building anyway, there would not be a security guard notice us leaving. We were right and we left school and went to I-HOP. We was all cramped up and packed down in a Cadillac Deville. The car kept stopping and that lead the school police right to us. The police asked where were we heading and we told them that we were going to eat. They asked our ages and other questions about are we suppose to be in school and questions like that. We all got caught and had an afterschool two hour detention for the rest of the semester. At first I felt like “DAMN WE JUST GOT CAUGHT!” Then I started to feel like ok we not in that much trouble, I was fine. I felt that way because if they did try to get my parents involved then they would have no way of getting in touch with my parents because our house phone number had been change and the school had the old number. So I wasn’t concerned at all. It might not be a responsibility but I feel that in True Notebooks, Nathaniel Hall knew that he was in the enemy’s territory wearing the opposite colors of what they wear. So he knew he was going to run into trouble. “I noticed that each of the three people in the car had on at least some red. I suddenly realized what I had on. A blue sweater with a blue and gray Charlie Brown shirt on top of that. And if that didn’t convince them of where I was from, I also had on blue gloves.”(P.140)
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