I think intelligence and confidence makes a person strong. If you are smart then people can’t make you feel inferior and can’t contradict your thoughts. You can’t be called stupid because you may know more than them. There’s a saying, knowledge is power I believe that true. For example if I have more knowledge of math then I will move ahead of my class. Knowledge also corresponds with respect. If you’re smart the people respect you. Respect creates an unseen social status.
In places like prison you have to have two types of smarts or just one. If you are strong mentally and physically you again gain a sense of respect form you inmates. In prison you are ranked by how dangerous you how smart or how smart you are. In your neighborhood, usually strength is in numbers. In mine that’s translated into gangs. If you’re smart you able to escape the drama of gang picking. Both situations are dangerous, and they are not safe at all. Marjane wanted to be rebellious and break the rules broke the rules when wearing jewelry and assaulting a teacher (143). She also called another teacher a lie (144). She could have gotten in a lot of trouble the same thing applies. She should have reacted differently. Marjane could have addresses the teacher in a more respectful way. This would have avoided the trouble with her parents. I’ve lied to my mom before and it felt so bad. It was even worst when she found out I lied I was in so much trouble. Today I realized I should have reacted differently and thought about the consequences.
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