There was a time when one of my responsibilities was to pick my sister up from school every day ( I was a freshman in high school and she was in elementary school). On one particular day I had a half day of school and my sister didn't and everybody know when you don't have nothing to do, that's when you most likely going to find trouble. So after school I went to one of my friends house and we was just hanging out until he told me where this guy that I had a problem with worked at. The guy worked directly across the street from my friends’ house and he even knew what time the guy had to be at work. So I used this information and called a couple more of my friends to come meet me after they had gotten out of school. The time was around 3:30 to 3:45pm when my friends had met up with me. For some reason there were about 15 of my people with me and we were just looking for things to do. So we waited around the kid job until we seen him walk up. Now around this time I'm supposed to be picking up my sister from her after school program around 4pm. So my friends and I waited around until we didn't see him. My friend stopped us as we was walking to my sister school, and told us that he see the boy. Immediately I walked up to the boy questioning him and he gave me a response that I didn't like, so I hit him. At that point my cousin and one my best friends ran up and continually started to punch this kid. After his boss broke it up the police had gotten involved and I was arrested and had to go jail and had a court date. All this because I avoided my responsibility and decided to do something that was stupid because I had extra time on my hand. After this occurred I felt bad and embarrassed because this event occurred in broad day light on a busy street and it was directly in front the kid job. I also felt bad for him because he had to go home and tell his parents what happen to him and I know that was embarrassing.
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