I agree 100 % with you cant change the past even if you tried to change it. If i could go back in the past to make a better choice for my future, i would do my freshman year of high school over. My freshman year was my worst year with my grades. I never took anything seriously like completing class work or homework assignments or even trying to stay focus. That was the worst decision i ever made because now that i am about to start a new level in college it reflects on my GPA and grades. I had to go back and try to remember little simple things i should already know. From my lack of not paying attention in class and asking questions my grades went totally down . It wasn't that easy for me to bring a low GPA up by the end of the school year nor my failing grades. I progressed over the next 3 years and i learn from my mistakes. I also learn how important it is to do right and when you have the change to do it. I am sure in the book true notebook they think all the time about mistakes they made, and if they could they would go back to do things differently. To some people its not all ways easy for you to do the right thing at that moment. but everything we go through is not always going to be easy, we may never get the easy way out. I learn through out life you will have to go through some things and make mistakes. It will only help you in the end and make you stronger .
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