My father and his cousin/ best friend Fredrick "Ladell" Terry, grew up together and spent there whole life together up until October of 2000. They were known to get into lots of trouble together, more than anything "street work". Ladell was like dad's right hand guy. Every where my dad would go (as far as parties, gatherings etc) you would always see Ladell there right along with him. There relationship is kind of like my cousin and my relationship, we use to be every where together and we didn't put nobody in our circle. But in October of the year of 2000, a couple days before his birthday, Ladell had a motorcycle and was getting ready to sell it. As he was getting ready to sell it he decide to take one more ride on it for the last time. So he hopped on the bike and rode off. As he was coming back towards his house, he was coming up to a light that was still green and a van that was getting ready to turn. The van cut him off and crashed into him and my older cousin Ladell flew 50 ft from the accident area and landed on his head. No he wasn't wearing a helmet. My dad took the lost really bad. One night my dad was out and they found my dad truck leaning over a express way bridge and a tow truck had to pull his truck back up. My guess is, is that he was drinking and not paying attention to what he was doing while he was thinking about Ladell. Eventually my dad got over it but ladell defiantly lives in our family heart. R.I.P. Fred ("Ladell" "PopCorn") Terry
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