As a child i was taught Jesus died on the cross for my sin's and with out god in my life i am nothing. It took me a while to understand the meaning of what that really meant. It took a small thing called faith to believe in something even if it don't seem like it will come to reality. I had a friend in high school that didn't Believe in ANYTHING she thought nothing was possible. i believe that i could try to change the way she felt and by the end of the school year and i did. I fought for what i believe in, and to get her to notice things that seem impossible are possible.
In true notebook on pg. 55 Kevin feels that his life is meaningless and he's not sure if he know what he want to be in life. After he said that Francisco told him "your ain't meaningless the bible say so". Kevin still don't believe he can see his life becoming better after being locked up. Francisco told Kevin " god loves you, homes, you just gotta love him back and then he'll tell you what to do with your life". I believe that Francisco had to do the same thing, he had to believe that god loves him and with having faith you will be alright. Jimmy still have doubts about it because he said on pg 55. "My brother loves god and look at all the good it's done him" Jimmy feels as even though his brother love god, why is god letting that disease kill him. Sometimes god can allow other things happen to someone close to just for you wake and see what you are doing is wrong.
When you believe in something you have to have faith and keep believing no matter what comes your way. Just because you cant feel the air doesn't stop you from breathing and just because you cant see god doesn't stop you from believing.
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