I would have to say i would do anything to save my mother or grandmother and that includes serving jail time. I felt as though Francisco was put into a tough situation because no young boy wants to see his mother get beat on. I can relate to this situation because there have been times where my friends and family have been in trouble and I was the only one that could help and I had to make a sacrifice. When I was ten years old my cousin had got really heavy into drugs and ended being arrested and place on probation. I was very naive to the drug world when I was young so I had no idea the severity of his addiction. As it turns out one of the agreements for his parole was that he had to be tested for drugs every Wednesday and if he tested positive he would be arrested. Early one morning when I was getting ready to go to school he came to my house looking sad and pitiful and I asked what was wrong. He then explained to me his situation about drug testing and then told me that he was gonna go to jail. Of course I felt bad and I asked him was there anyway he wouldn't go to jail and then he asked me to urinate in a pill bottle for him so he could turn in a clean sample. I realized what I did was wrong but I was only ten and i didn't want to see my cousin locked up. It took me a very long time to admit to my mother what I'd done. Fortunately he ended up getting himself clean and now he has a job and an apartment so if I had to do it all over again I would because I don't know where he would be without my help. I would like to think me breaking the law and taking that test for him gave him more time he needed to get himself straight.
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