I couldn’t break the law to help a friend or family member. I’m not the kind of person to steal a car just to help family. Family may be important to me, but I don’t think that I would go that far. If I was in Fransico’s situation, I would try to do something else like ask a family member for help. Because if you can’t rely on one person there is always another person to help you. I feel that that is what families are for. When your down or you tend to have problems with someone you can always ask your family for advice. Another thing I would do is if I had money of my own, I would probably give my mother all that I have because besides me wasting money on nothing. I can give my money to someone who needs it more than me. That’s what most of the inmates missed out. They broke the law for someone and now that they are in jail, they don’t have a shoulder to cry on for help. Like the festival when Mark played the cello for his performance. The song gave the inmates a feeling that they haven’t had since they been in jail. “ I realized then that it was the invocation of motherhood, not my playing, that had moved the inmates so deeply” (124).The inmates wanted the feeling that they would be ok and that they are on their side no matter what. My mother is like my best friend. When it comes to motherly nature, we all need that person to pull us through our problems.
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