I have many things I am scared of. But, one of my main things I am scared of is living on my own. My grandmother raised me to be an independent woman. Many times I find myself regressing back to how I was when I was 8. I was dependent, scared and ignorant to being alone. You would think because I am the only child I would not have a problem living by myself. I have found myself lately crying because I want to go home. What should I do to get use to living alone with three other girls? I have never had to share my things and I have never had to use a bathroom with three other strangers that were all girls. I have been in camps with situations like this but it was only for a mouth not a whole darn year! What should I do to help myself? Another thing that scares me is being able to sign up for the right classes. I am going into Media Management so it was told to me I only have a few priority classes to take which are my core classes. I need to know how to attack this situation. How do I know what class to take that will benefit me in the long run? Lastly, I am scared of my writing. I am a very poor writer and I wish I could get better. Even with Aaron constantly telling me over and over “use more detail” I still find myself not doing what you told me to do. How do I expand my writing habits? How do I improve my vocabulary? AARON WHAT SHOULD I DO???
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