now that i have passed the bridge program i feel like i can do anything i set my mind too. going into my real classes now i want to be able to look back and see a the progress ive made. starting with photography i want to have one of my pictures in a show or ad or something that other people can see it. i know this is aiming high but i know if i work hard it will be easy. as far as my journalism part goes. im hoping to learn a lot more about it and also get something published. my writing now is pretty good but i know i can improve and do a lot better then my papers now. being able to go to a college with the things i want to do is going be a good experience for me. ive learned a lot through bridge and a year from now when i look back on bridge im just gonna think... wow i used to suck. theirs always room for improvement.
in four years i want to be at the point where i have a job that i enjoy using my college degree. i want to travel to places like Darfur and Burma and uncover the truth about what is really going on there. going to Burma has always been a dream of mine and being able to go there with my camera and my journal would be a life changing event for me. id be taking pictures of the horrible things going on and writing down what Ive seen and hopefully my voice and my pictures will change the minds of enough people to get America involved and help these people that need it and help the Burmese take their country back so the Future kids don't have to go through what Friday and all the other kids had to go through. with all the experience ill have from Columbia my pictures should be able to tell the story well enough. if that doesn't work then i know my words will be able to make a change
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