I think writing about your misfortune's in life helps you to properly learn how to accept them. I believe writing is its own form of therapy and can be use by anyone. Writing give you a sense of privacy and it can be use to create change in the minds of others. If I had ever become a juvenile delinquent I would use writing to turn my life around. I would give people the real incite as to who I am. When you young and black, you sometimes have to instill a notion of respect into the minds of others. Once you mess up in so many ways the good thoughts go outside the window. You have to work and start all over to prove yourself. Writing can be silent so respect is already created in a sense.
Every once in a while I like to write about something that makes me happy. Each time I write I like to speak the truth. I say what really going on my mind. Honesty makes me content with myself. Happiness can sometimes and most times they are in small moments. In Marjane’s life, she is surrounded by violence and confusion. She is forcing herself to follow her parent and rush into adulthood. Rarely does she have a moment of happiness and when she does it is gone in an instant. For example, when marjane’s Parents return from Turkey she loves all of the gifts they bring her. She decides to put it all on and walk out into the street. Moments later she is approaches by two guardians of the revolution and put into danger. Happiness is gone. If I wrote I would remember how scared and upset I was after that. With the truth more people can relate and with happiness you are basically vulnerable.
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