I believe that there is a lot of gods that people worship but i believe that there is only one true "enlighten one". This "enlighten one" in a way can control everything but cant control humans because he gave us free will.
I believe that everything happens for a reason.I believe that we all make choices that influnece how our future will turn out.I believe that there is no heaven or hell. I believe that even though we have free wil it can be taken away from us all with one act from the enlighten one or god..
I beleive that when we die nothing happens.i believe that we have pitfalls because of the things we do.Just like karma.I believe that how you treat people is how people wil treat you.
In the book persophilis ,marajane is beliieving in god but later on he kinda fades away because of the revolution.God really didnt play a major rule in her life .But later on she makes refrences to god not hearing her prayers because of the revolution.So in contrast people when they dont need god they tend to forget about him or let him fade away.I think that every religion is somehow connected in someway.I believe that through time there was a universal riligion.Then over period of time people explored conqured new areas, but used the same basis for the religion.
So in conclusion people believe what everyone else believe but in a diffrent way,shape and form.
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