I was locked up in my own box. Not literally but like Jimmy in True Notebooks I was stuck in my box which was my room for something that I was supposed to do but I didn’t do it. My friends NJ and Ashley were going to Ashley ‘s house to spend the night. I wanted to go and I was bent on going, but the day before my mom came into my room and told me that I should of done something that I could not remember a long time ago and since I was so lazy and didn’t want to do it she decided to keep me home. It was terrible for me because I really wanted to get out of the house and with me not doing my chore I spent the rest of the day shifting from channel to channel on television and drawing. Later that same day, my friend NJ called me from my friend Ashley’s house because they were bored and wanted to see if I was ok. It really sucked because I was always trapped in my box and now my box was my house. I can understand Jimmy because being trapped in your room is like being in the box. Your in a room with nothing to do but in comparison I could do a lot more. I was just upset that I was stuck in my house that whole day. Just like how jimmy looked when he got out the box was the same way I felt when I was off punishment.” You know the way a baby cries? That all-out kind, where it sounds like he’s gonna die? I didn’t know I could still cry like that, but I did in the box.” (175). The way Jimmy felt was like how I felt. I was upset and while my two good friends were out the house, I was stuck in the house. The next day I was off of punishment and from what I heard from school, it wasn’t all that fun that I thought. All they did was watch movies and talk. It would have been fun going over my friends house, but I’m pretty sure I would have had more entertainment watching television. : /
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