My parents sent me away January 6, 2008 for doing poorly in school. My goal was to become a really good guitarist and I didn’t feel like I had time for school. I also had a band at the time so leaving was a huge risk. I told everyone that I would be gone for 2 months which is the amount of time I thought it would take to get caught up in school. First off, I was sent to north Georgia where I had to survive in the woods. I was really confused because I thought it was a school that I was going to. After 2 months of living in the woods they decide to send me to a boarding school in north Idaho. This was honestly the worst 6 months of my life because they didn’t let me get started in school. My whole purpose was to leave for a month or two just to get caught up in school. What I had to do was work on a farm for 4 months straight, every single day with only a lunch breaks. With only one monitored phone call for 5 minutes a week, I was unable to tell my parents that this place was “hell”. They still thought that I needed to be there because apparently I was doing “excellent” and I was “catching up with my school work”. I finally had it and I decided to run away with my friend. Our consequence for running away was getting sent to another wilderness program where we had to saw wood for 3 weeks straight. I arrived back at the boarding school and they told me that I have to start over and work on the farm again. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of being a professional guitarist and the thought of following through with what I told my friends. As I was about to accept that I would be stuck there for 2 years straight, my mother allowed me to come home in my last attempt to leave. I returned right at the beginning of my junior year and things were better than ever with my band but a few good relationships with friends were ruined. I attended a public high school and nothing was really the same but I had an extreme amount of motivation and confidence with my music. I allowed things to change for the better with the help of all of my friends and most of all, myself. Things were back to "normal" within a matter of months.
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