I remember a time when I was ashamaned of what I beleived. I lived in Manilla,Phillipines and this kid was kinda poking fun cause, I couldnt really speak the language good but I was trying,He decides he wants to say something that wasnt to my liking.But all the other kids were laughing at his joke so i decieded to play into and I decided to develop an alternate personality that was better suited for the invioroment.I told everbody that I was like a millionnair.But they stopped laughing at me and then they envied me.They wanted to be my friend for the wrong reasons but they eventually stopped laughing at me. So I left my identity to be z better one.
So like marajane was leavin her identityand pretended to be inhaling the smoek and lies to her parents. (page 192) I did the same..It wasnt right but i did it.But i think everybody tells white lies to make themselves look better.
That why I think i try to be confident about myself because i dont want to have to pretend to be like i want to be me, The real Jamahl Jackson.I have an identity that not like anyother.Whenever i feel like about to lie about the truth i tell myself."I am the orginal and I think i am proud of myself before i can be proud of so

Jamahl , since the first time I met you the pride you had was inspiring. ."I am the original and I think I am proud of myself before I can be proud of someone else" is something I think every time I meet someone new. I also at some point had an alternate personality at some point to get people alter the minds of the people around me but soon learned the true identity is the best. I really enjoyed your Blog