I daydream all the time about my past, my Grandma Lorraine. If I could have just one conversation with her, I would be extremely happy. My grandmother was so sweet. She always kept me laughing. She use to call me “Fingers”, because I was always touching her belongings. If I came over her house and I saw something new, I would touch and try figure out what it was. She was so peaceful and she kept a smile on her face even when she was hurting, or sad. I wish she was still here with me. I wanted her to see me go to prom and come to my graduation. Every time I get to the point where I feel like I’m going to cry, I simply remember that she is in a better place. In the book True Notebooks, Kevin wrote about a time in his past when his third grade teacher took him to the museum during the time he was grieving over his parents’ death. (Pg.43-44) I believe Kevin teacher, Mrs. Blue made a impact on him because it was a time that he remembered. People never reflect on the past if it didn’t have an impact on them or wasn’t affected by the past. He even states in the book, “And that concludes my day at the museum. I know it wasn’t a spectacular day, but I cherish that day because that was the only person that took time out their life to help me make it through the death of my parents.
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