There have been times when I have hung out with family memebers and friends from past neighborhoods and when we go out and they do certain things I would kind of wonder off. i don't do it to seem "phony" or anything, I have an image to keep up right now. With me being a musician that's actually playing for different professional artist, I can't be seen doing things that's bad. I have to think about my future and put childish things behind me. Now when we are in a hidden place such as houses or indoors period when it's just us, then I might be more open. I just think when you trying to get on a professional level in anything, you should act as such. I'm defiantly not ashamed of my culture in anyway. I wish we as a people would change some of ways and notice the things that we do. But I would never turn completely away from them. Some people from old area believes that I went 'Hollywood" on them. I guess because I moved to the suburbs, which is only 10 minutes away from the city, and taking my life serious and my work and not having time to sit around and do nothing with myself, that I've changed.
Sam, I like that you want to be a kind of musical leader. Young people need someone like you to show them there is a life out there that is attainable. Also I wish our people would change some of their ways and notice the things they do. I think change is good no one ever succeeded by wafting on the things around them. I really liked you blog!